The Love-Hate relationship with Police -Some thoughts on Police Commemoration Day, 21 October

400 to 500 policemen become martyrs every year in India, in their line of duty. Today is the day we have to recall their ultimate sacrifice and spend a few moments pondering about the role of police in our lives. What is their role?

Hero or Villain
Last year while in conversation with DGP about the deteriorating relationship of public and police, I told him " While driving to your office I saw posters of 5 different movies. In 3 of those the hero was a police officer! So, obviously there seems to be a grudging admiration for the men in khaki which is more visible in movies than on the streets!"
The reason for this anomaly could be because the occasional interaction with a policeman for the public happens only when they are stopped for traffic crimes or when they become victims of a crime. Obviously, the common man never interacts with a policeman when life is smooth and normal; so, his mental association of police is "Oh my God, Problem"!

Sheep-Dog Syndrome
Along with our 'Admiration of Power' enjoyed by the police, comes 'a Resentment of the Control' they have over us. Somewhere I read this is the Sheep-Dog Syndrome. The flock of sheep resent the constant control of the Sheep-Dog; but when the wolf appears on the scene the flock bleats desperately to be protected by the Sheep-Dog.
Obviously, the men in khaki are doing a thankless job. Police don’t have an identified enemy like the military. Since their enemy is part of the community they live in, mutual suspicion and antagonism are guaranteed. That’s why the public which becomes vocal when police are on the wrong becomes indifferently silent when police do their job with efficient success.

The base of civilized society
While addressing the local Management Association annual event I was facing some flak from the audience as someone who teaches violence to the police force, who are already pushing the limits of human rights' interpretation!
My response was "You are all sitting relaxed in this 5-Star comfort for the entire day, without any anxiety or fear about the safety of your loved ones, your property and assets because you know there is a system taking care of those. That system is the law enforcement arm of the government.
So be thankful for the police force, to whom you have outsourced doing violence on your behalf - 24 x 7 !"
Policing and social media sousveillance
Part III - The police & fake encounters - Tip of the iceberg 

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