KravMaga close combat for Police 
The concerns to be taken into consideration when training police in close combat are –
CONCERN 1 - Police can't use force disproportionate to the threat and risk being censured by human rights activists and media.
  • The techniques taught to field patrol officers should NOT involve hitting of vital parts
  • KravMaga teaches hitting VULNERABLE parts & NOT VITAL parts
  • The focus should be on DISARMING, cutting his MOBILITY and CONTROL of the aggressor.
CONCERN 2 - While a civilian can neutralize an attacker and leave the scene, Police job is NOT complete till control and arrest of the attacker.
  • Stress on submission techniques & takedowns.
  • Emphasize personal safety of the policeman –
    (ex) long weapon > go short; short weapon >> go long
  • Teach criminal escorting holds
CONCERN 3 - While civilian training is more on self defense, training to police has to give importance to pro-active intervention in a violent situation.
  • Teach intervention in 3rd party disputes  and disarming of different types of weapons
CONCERN 4 - Training should address specific needs of job profile - Regular beat officer, VIP protection, SWAT commandos and prison guards.
  • Beat officer has to focus on intervention in brawls, handling crowds, escorting suspects.
  • Extricating VIPs from different types of attacks – armed attacks, bomb attacks, over enthusiastic supporters ( here the problem is attacking the aggressor will be frowned upon)
  • For commandos training has to emphasize on handling hostage situations, barricaded attacks.
  • Prison guards training will emphasize on facing improvised crude weapons and gang attacks.

CONCERN 5 - Police don’t get enough regular hours to practice. Most of them don’t get any organized course after basic training.
  • Police should NOT be taught intricate and sophisticated tactics which require constant practice and optimum physical fitness
  • The stress should be on tactics which employ gross motor skills based on natural reflex
  • The techniques should be simple & applicable even under extreme physical & mental stress
CONCERN 6 - Training should stress on local needs. 
  • For instance, In this state of TamilNadu training should also include handling long sickle (aruval), casuarinas sticks (urutu kattai) which are commonly used.
CONCERN 7 – Ensuring sustainability
  • Specific curriculum of 20 techniques relevant to job profile ( Beat officer / VIP protection / Commando / Prison guards ) should be created
  • Training the Trainer programs should be conducted, based on the above curriculum.
  • Instructors for NEW INDUCTEES are top priority since it’s easier to inculcate safety aspects early.
  • For EXPERIENCED police, teaching methodology should be based only on reality as they tend to be cynical
  • Certificates should be awarded to policemen who complete these unarmed combat courses, and these should be taken into cognizance for career appraisals
  • For knowledge to percolate down the system, provide a newsletter to senior officers, on emerging trends in policing issues and specific instances.
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S.SREERAMCo-ordinator / InstructorChennai Chapter, Krav Maga (IKMF) India
Mobile: 93400 06600
Email-  kravmaga.chennai@gmail.comChennai
Group -
 "So that one may walk in peace" ... Imi Lichtenfeld, Founder of KravMaga
TWEET - @kravMagaSreeRam


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