Will self-defence work for a girl being raped?
Since the Delhi gang-rape, so far 18 people have asked me - " Will self-defence techniques actually work for an 'average girl' against a group of men.?! " My answer is - " Those who keep asking "Will this work?!" die without finding out whether it will." ................................................................... Learning provides you the tools. Practice makes you an expert. Pushing yourself out of the comfort-zone makes you superior. and above all.. Introspection makes you realistic That's too true of all arts. The same hierarchy applies to learning to fight also. So, every input in learning has an output in application ... ... which is reasonably proportionate. Whether its Singing, Tennis, Medicine, Drama, Astronomy or KravMaga. If you have a natural aptitude to that field, the progress will be better than your peers. Decide at which level you want to play..and put in the required effort . Yo...