7 Criteria to plan your diet
Since I am an Instructor and my hair is grey, most assume I am wise and ask my advice on many subjects, even outside the ambit of KravMaga - It can range from career-choices, love life, ideal side-dish for brandy and so on. Since I am accommodative and like to hear my own voice, I squeeze my grey cells and spout wisdom unabashedly! The One and Only Randy Glasbergen Of late, after I lost lots of weight, many students ask about dieting. Since they come in all shapes and sizes it is obvious that a standardized diet plan wont fit everyone. So what is the criteria when deciding a diet plan? Criteria 1 - What is your objective? Is it weight loss, weight gain, cosmetic body sculpting, build power, preparing for a competition? Be specific of your primary desire. Criteria 2 - What is your current status? Are you extremely obese, just over-weight, under-weight and so on? This is to indicate the time and effort needed to close the gap between your present and ideal. Crite...